Sunday, 11 January 2015

New Year, New You

New Year, New me! Am I right? We all make New Years resolution at the beginning of each year, and I say all of us want to stay more organise than we were during the holiday. Am I right?

Here are some tips to staying organise, staying on track with your goals and generally being happy throughout 2015!

As I said before, we want to be more organise during the new year, because it's a fresh start.
And in doing so, having a planner really helps. Whether it's the reminder on the phone, a little notebook or you just write things on your calendar, small things like that helps you stay on track. Having a plan in general just really helps, because it makes you stay on track, and when you do stay on track you tend to be less stress. So, less stress more happiness! 

My second points is linked to staying organise, which is making achievable goals. We all make grand goals during the start of the year, but we tend to forget about them or we just get stressed about it when we haven't achieved it by the end of the year. Don't get me wrong, have whatever goals you want! But you should have less bigger goals and more little goals.

And in general you should be happy throughout 2015. Not everyday will be great, not everyday will go your way, some days will be utterly awful! But always remember, there is something good in everyday. Even if it's small, like if its was grey day, but it was suddenly sunny. There is something good in everyday.

Thanks for stopping by
See you next week ♥