This is the second instalment of 'Taking the Time Off + Planning a Holiday', but this week I'll be giving you guys tips on saving money for your getaway. All the tips given can also be used for other aspect of your life if you need to save some extra cash.
First, look at last month statement. Why? Because you need to see how much money you spend on unnecessary things such as fast fashion, take outs, dinning outside etc. Of course not everything can be avoided, but you sure you wanted to spend that much on ASOS?
Tip two - Cut down the spending (obviously). I can easily save £100-£300 a month not buying clothes and makeup. Besides shopping, eating out, drinks, and take outs are also killers. You can easily save around £200-£400 a month by cutting out the things I've mentioned. So just for a month, cut out all the unnecessary spending, and then slowly reintroduce the 'fun money' once the main bulk of money is saved up. Don't forget to actually put a limit once you reintroduce the 'fun money'. I would personally limit it to £100-£200.
A simple tip, pay with cash. It's super easy to think you have unlimited amount of money whilst swiping your card left right and centre, but having and seeing tangible cash will actually make you think before you spend.
A simple tip, pay with cash. It's super easy to think you have unlimited amount of money whilst swiping your card left right and centre, but having and seeing tangible cash will actually make you think before you spend.
Check your income. Not everyone can save the main bulk of their holiday money in a month. Some might travel further for work, or have a bigger house to manage, so don't feel dejected if you can't save £400 in the first month. Don't stress about the money you should be spending, because the money will build up if you don't waste it on unnecessary things; and those things are listed above.
Lastly, say 'no'. Even though most of us are adults, we do still give in to peer pressure. If your group of friends wants to go down to the pub and you're scared of being labelled the 'party pooper', it's their problem not yours. Also, if they are your true friend, they will completely understand your situation. However, if there's a party you have to go to, take enough money for two drinks and a ride home.
So that is all the tips I used on myself while I was saving for my holiday. These tips are true and tested; so I hope you can follow my advice, and I guarantee the money will be saved up in no time. I'll see you next week for the last instalment of this series.
I'll see you soon,
I'll see you soon,
Bye ♥