Sunday, 17 August 2014

Back to School 2014: What in my Bag

As you may all know, school is just right around the corner, so here some tips and essential things I put in my school bag...

1) Have a light weight bag - now many might not think this is important, but it is. Carrying many books you want a big enough bag and yet light weight 

3) Books - In my school we are given books, but if you get buy your books then I consider you're lucky because you can have books with fun prints

Note: Pack your bag the night before so you don't forget anything the next day because you won't be rushing

3) A Pencil Case! Have a couple black/blue pens (in case one runs out), a pencil, a rubber, some colour pens and highlighter (for note taking) and maybe correction tape if you're allowed in school

4) Have a toiletry bag to hold in your girly things, such as: deodorants (to smell nice and keep the sweats at bay), hand sanitiser, hair ties (they always goes messing), makeup etc.

5) A purse - I carry my purse because we have a tuckshop in my school. Before I couldn't be bothered to have a purse and I put my money in my shirt pocket and I lost money many times before, so now I have a purse 

6) My Phone - Now, I don't know about you people but I need my phone at all times. I use it to listens to music on my way and back from school, in class (if the teacher allows) and  during class for research (don't need to carry a computer then).


7) A planner - Basically this is my life saver! If I don't have this, I don't know how to go through school. I use this to write due date of my essays and homeworks. Sometimes I write notes in there so I don't forget anything like rehearsals and stuff like that.

So that what I carry in my school bags and I don't know about you people, but these are my essentials to survive school for a day...

Byeeeeeee :)