While we some of us want to grow our hair out, so we have longer hair. We all should look after our hair and make it healthy, so we can look fabulous strutting the street or make it beautiful and soft for your confidence...
These five rules you might already heard of, but its the key to success for beautiful, healthy hair.
Step 1: Shampoo your scalp. I mean literally just the scalp. Don't bundle your whole hair while shampooing, because you hair tend to get even more fragile when wet.Besides shampooing your scalp, you should use a clarifying shampoo at least once a week, to take out all the build up that has happened throughout the week.
Step 2: Condition your ends. Same like the first step, but this applies to just the ends. When you conditioning your ends, not only you making it softer, you're also making the ends stronger. Think of it as you're cementing your ends together.
Step 3: Wash your hair with cold water. Not ice cold water, but not too warm either. Our hair is sensitive to heat. Think about it. If we need to put heat protector when styling our hair, wouldn't hot water damage the hair too?
*Don't wash your hair everyday, because your taking out all the good oil that it produces, instead wash it every other day*
Step 4: Cut your ends regularly. This might sound the opposite of what you're trying to do, if you want longer hair. But if you cut the ends, then you keeping your ends and overall hair growth in good condition.
Step 5: When drying your hair, if you're using heat then put a heat protector in it. If you're towel drying it, use the towel and squeeze the water out. Not viciously rubbing your towel through the hair.
Gonna cheat and add in the 6th rule ;)
Step 6: Don't brush your hair too much and brush it with a light hand. If you going to brush your hair while wet, use a wide tooth comb, this will cause less breakage.
Hope this helps
Seeeee you next week :)
Seeeee you next week :)
Byeeeeeee ♥