Monday, 23 January 2017

Fitness Update #1

All right belong to owner(s) of image(s)

(If you haven't read my first post for this year, read it after this post *wink*)

At the end of last year I posted two posts related to my journey on becoming healthier and getting back in the gym. Let's just say it did not all go to plan. The minced pies, the pigs in blankets, the stuffing, and the chocolate was a huge distraction. But for many of us, the new year (can I still say that?)  is where we try to get back into shape, so we become healthier for the years ahead. For many, the resolution might already be too much to commit too, but do not do it! To be perfectly honest, I felt discouraged many times and we haven't even finish the first month of 2017! Results won't come easy, it doesn't work like that. Looking back, I'm still wondering what I did to lose all that weight in six weeks. I knew I cut portion. I knew I worked out. I knew I had everything of what I like in small portions. So why is it not working for me again? Maybe I need a new routine. Maybe you need a new routine. 

The treadmill maybe is not a good place to go and expect wondrous things to happen. What's the point to this post besides updating that I am not doing really well on my journey? My aim is to encourage you to continue. I'm on this journey by myself, maybe you are too. Just know you have my support. Some people might think I'm failing, but I haven't given up yet. I only failed if I stop. I know you probably think working out is just not fun, but there is something for everyone. Book a yoga class. Take a hour stroll everyday. Just find something you are comfortable with and stick to it. If you're bored of something, mix it up a little. For example, if you do yoga every week, try pilates instead. Take a new path to walk instead of your usual route. Try a new sport every month. There's tons of things to try out and learn. So, don't feel discouraged, because you are doing just fine. You only failed, if you stop trying.

I hope this helped ♥